Grundomat Driven Piles: The Ideal Piling Solution

June 17, 2011 by Harvey Banks
Filed under: Uncategorized 

Grundomat driven piles are designed to support and withstand force and pressure. Grundomat driven piles are installed using a pile driving hammer or a similar type of machinery. Grundomat driven piles are a popular choice of pile as they are cost effective, very accurate and can resist any level of weight or force that they are subjected to.

Not only are Grundomat driven piles extremely durable, they are also very flexible. There are a wide range of different sizes of hammer available to carry out the installation process and this means that Grundomat driven piles can be implemented in exceedingly small, tight spaces. This allows engineers to install Grundomat driven piles which are of a high standard, without using expensive installation techniques. Grundomat driven piles make working on sites with restricted access much easier and the process only requires a team of two to complete.

Grundomat driven piles also offer low vibrations rates. Low levels of vibrations mean that there is much less displacement and piles can be implemented with more precision. Grundomat driven piles are very quiet compared to other methods of piling so they are ideal for use on projects that take place in residential areas.


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