Mini pile foundations perfect for green building

December 16, 2011 by Harvey Banks
Filed under: Mini Piling 

Mini pile foundations are the ideal option for construction where green and sustainable building standards must be met.

Analyst IBISWorld predicts that “revenue will soar” among the leading sustainable building specialists in the coming five years.

Regions with a higher concentration of residential properties are particularly expected to lead this resurgence in activity.

According to IBISWorld, a higher local population typically drives business activity higher, which in turn leads to demand for commercial and industrial properties in the area.

The forecast is based on performance in the US market, but might be expected to be repeated in the UK and elsewhere as growth returns to construction-related disciplines.

For companies keen to ride the green wave, mini pile foundations are one ideal option.

Mini pile foundations can be put in place with compact rigs, making them perfect for smaller projects such as those that might be available in an otherwise constrained market.

Their compact nature also makes them environmentally preferable, enhancing the sustainability of the structure from the moment its first foundations are put in place.


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