Concrete piles make use of essential, economy-boosting materials

April 5, 2012 by Harvey Banks
Filed under: Concrete Piles 

Concrete piles not only help to support your structure – they can also support the economy, according to a new government publication.

The National Planning Policy Framework has been compiled to address three concerns: sustainable economic growth; environmental protection; and complexity in the planning system.

It sets out plans to ensure quarried materials such as aggregates and concretes remain available for a long time to come, while noting that they are a finite resource.

But it also recognises the contribution towards economic growth that materials such as concrete can make.

Concrete piles have long been among the most frequently used methods of supporting new structures, but this may be the first time many people have become aware of their economic value.

“It is heartening to see recognition of the need for essential minerals as a strategic issue, both nationally and locally, and the great weight that needs to be given to the benefits of mineral extraction, including to the economy,” says Nigel Jackson, chief executive of the Mineral Products Association.

The NPPF calls for local policies to be created to safeguard the future supply of essential minerals, but adds that existing concrete batching facilities should be protected along with existing, planned and potential production sites for other concrete products.


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