What are Mini Pile Foundations?

September 2, 2011 by Harvey Banks · Comments Off
Filed under: Mini Piling 

Mini pile foundations work on a similar principal to other types of piling except, as the name suggests, they tend to be used on projects where a smaller scale is necessary. The purpose of mini pile foundations is to prepare the ground so that it can support the weight of a building; the mini pile has to be driven down into the ground so that the concrete foundations can then be poured on top of it in the normal fashion.

This type of mini pile foundation is often used on smaller construction sites, such as house extensions. For instance, if you were to get a conservatory that required foundations or were to extend your house outwards, it would be likely that mini pile foundations would be used.

Mini pile foundations can also be used as an alternative in some situations where environmental concerns play a role. Their primary function, though, is to allow an effective piling solution even in situations where access is tight, ensuring that all construction projects can be catered for and leading to safer and more efficient procedures.

Size is everything with Mini Piling

August 26, 2011 by Harvey Banks · Comments Off
Filed under: Uncategorized 

Mini piles are a lightweight type of pile that is relatively new compared to more traditional piles. Mini piles can be driven piles or screw piles and have become an increasingly popular choice because of their numerous advantages.

There are certain conditions which mean that mini piles are the only feasible option. Mini piling is often the most cost-effective method for contractors as they save a lot of time and money on difficult underpinning projects.

Mini piling is ideal when there is limited space available, unsuitable ground conditions or when conventional piles would be too heavy to use. Mini piling is also the best option when there is a need for sound restrictions as it generates less vibration and noise.

If you need a reliable, convenient and versatile piling option then mini piling is the solution for you.

Mini Piles are the way forward

April 15, 2011 by Harvey Banks · Comments Off
Filed under: Uncategorized 

Mini piles – also known as micropiles or lightweight piles – are an alternative to other types of piles. They have been developed from older pile designs such as driven piles and screw piles. They have become a more popular choice over the years as they have advantages over driven and screw piles.

Mini piling is a reliable option which can be utilised in situation that more traditional piling methods could not cope with. Because mini piles are a lot smaller they can be placed in much smaller and confined spaces with relative ease. This means that contractors end up saving time and money because they do not have to think up or turn to expensive solutions for difficult construction projects.

Here is a quick overview of all the many benefits of using mini piles:

• They are the best option to choose when ground conditions are poor.
• There is no need for excavation or soil removal.
• An alternative to heavier piles when weight allowance is limited.
• Mini piles cause much lower levels of vibration.
• Mini piles are specialised equipment which are crucial for certain projects and circumstances.
• They generated limited noise and fumes and are therefore ideal for projects when environmental issues are a       concern.

Reap the Benefits of Mini Piling

March 4, 2011 by Harvey Banks · Comments Off
Filed under: Mini Piling 

There are many different types of piling options available to contractors today. One of these is mini piling which has been derived from the screw pile. Mini piling has become increasingly popular for the more difficult projects as they have many advantages over more traditional piling methods. One of the main benefits of mini piles is that they can be implemented in much smaller spaces, overcoming many difficulties.

Mini piles are ideal for use where there are poor ground conditions as there is no need for excavation or removal of soil. For certain projects, traditional piles are simply too heavy to be used. Mini piles are a much lighter option that can be utilised in such instances. Mini piling should be used when vibration should be avoided and when only specialised equipment should be used i.e. when access is restricted. Mini piles are also appropriate for use when there are environmental concerns over a construction project.

Mini piling is versatile, durable, reliable and cost-effective which makes it a fantastic alternative to more traditional piling option.

Mini Piling

October 15, 2010 by Harvey Banks · Comments Off
Filed under: Mini Piling 

The process of mini piling consists of the pile being driven by an internal drop hammer. A wooden pile tip is fitted to a steel casing which contains a long concrete plug. The casing can be rather tenuous as there will only be tension forces that occur when driving the mini pile. The pile is driven to a specified depth at which point the steel casing is filled with concrete and then is installed with reinforcement. When this has been completed the casing is then extracted from the ground.

There are different ways of driving mini piles into the ground. One such way is using an explosive pile. The explosive charge is put into the casing at the bottom once it has reached the required depth. As the casing is removed the charge is detonated, increasing the size of the pile base. The benefit of this is that the bearing capacity is increased when the soil becomes greatly compacted by the force of the explosion. However, this is not always an ideal technique to use as soil compression and displacement is not always easy to predict.