Additional Support with a Retaining Wall

August 5, 2011 by Harvey Banks · Comments Off
Filed under: Uncategorized 

Constructing a retaining wall serves three main purposes – to support sloping earth, to drain any water and to reduce hydrostatic pressure. The most common type of retaining wall is the cantilever wall. A cantilever retaining wall is constructed with a free-standing barrier which does not have any lateral support at the top. The retaining walls tend to cantilevered from a footing which reaches up past the grade on one side. On the other side, it holds back a higher level grade.

It is important to hire a piling contractor who has specialist knowledge of retaining walls. Planning is key to an effective, stable retaining wall as they need to be constructed so as to resist the pressure of both soil and water.

Another common retaining wall design is the anchored retaining wall. Anchors are placed deep into the ground to support the retaining wall from behind. The method of soil nailing is then often used to reinforce the retaining wall. Soil nailing involved drilling into the ground and installing steel tendons. These are then grouted to create a composite mass which is similar to a gravity wall.

Standing Strong with a Retaining Wall

May 20, 2011 by Harvey Banks · Comments Off
Filed under: Uncategorized 

The implementation of a retaining wall will give the required support for a building when it is being constructed on sloping or uneven ground. A well designed retaining wall will also provide a drainage system so that water runs away from the structure and reduce hydrostatic pressure. Pairing a retaining wall with the procedure of soil nailing will reinforce the retaining wall further. Soil nailing is undertaken by drilling steel tendons into the soil and grouting them.

It is essential to undergo extensive planning when designing a retaining wall as all construction projects differ. The retaining wall needs to be substantial enough to suit the ground that it is being installed in. If the retaining wall is not designed or installed correctly then the result will be that the wall will eventually collapse. The level of pressure should be at its lowest at the top of the wall and gradually increase towards the base.

There are several different materials which retaining walls can be constructed with including stones, concrete blocks, wooden planks and logs. There are several factors which need consideration when designing a retaining wall such as its height, soil type, the angle of the slope and whether any heavy weight is going to be located near to the slope i.e. structures and/or vehicles.

Make your Retaining Wall stronger with Soil Nailing

February 18, 2011 by Harvey Banks · Comments Off
Filed under: Soil nailing 

Soil nailing is a technique which is used for retaining walls and other projects, as a way of reinforcing the soil. Soil nailing can be used as a solution for both permanent and temporary retaining walls. As part of soil nailing, the slope or wall which is required to be stabilised first needs to be predrilled. Long steel rods are then put in place and grouted in firmly to hold the soil in place. If the soil contains corrosive elements, then the steel rods need to be coated in anti-corrosives to protect them. To give the soil optimum stability, a covering later fixes the rods in place.

Soil nailing has a wealth of advantages. It is ideal when working on sites which have a limited amount of space, as there is little need of room to manoeuvre. Soil nailing can follow irregular and tight corners, as well as providing stability to the wall from the top to the bottom. This means that the soil can be secured whilst workers continue to dig down deeper.

After the soil nailing has been completed, shortcrete is commonly used to secure the reinforcing rods. There are also other options used by construction workers, such as creating a green or living wall. The type of retaining wall used depends on the environment of the construction.